Frank DiLallo
Frank DiLallo is currently an Intervention/ Prevention Schools Consultant for the Diocese of Toledo. Since 1997 he has served the 81 diocesan schools (pre-K-12). Frank has consulted with numerous public schools and districts as well. For over thirty years Frank has counseled individuals, groups, couples and families and has conducted countless professional development training’s through his work as a private practice practitioner and high school counselor.
Peace Be With You: Christ-Centered Bullying Redirect is a Christian Scripture-based approach to bullying prevention. This prayerfully designed program is a dynamic classroom process focused on student acquisition and mastery of critical life skills in three general areas: Leadership Skills, Interpersonal Skills (developing supportive peer relationships), and Intrapersonal Skills (stress management and self reflection). Learn More
Contact Frank today to learn more about how to positively impact your school community by building on strengths for a more vibrant and robust Christ-centered learning environment.
30+ Years of Counseling & Professional Development


Patti Agaston, Ph.D.
Co-Author of Cyber Bullying: Bullying in the Digital Age
Bullying Redirect brings much-needed clarity to educators and parents when trying to address the difficult challenges of bullying. Educators and parents will gain insight into how to appropriately support youth who engage in mistreatment.

Chris Knight
St. John's Jesuit HS
There are no ‘easy answers’ and no simple solutions in addressing the often destructive and hurtful ways in which children engage with each other, but the insights Bullying Redirect offers in this series are invaluable and potentially life changing. I urge you to read and consider this seminal work.

Lisa Bartholomew
Regina Coeli School
Toledo, OH
This is the only program where I see lasting effects with my students. They ask for peace circles to handle problems. This program provides students with the tools to take ownership for the bullying situations in the school, regardless of their role.