Peace Be with You Curriculum
Peace Be with You Christ Centered Bullying Redirect is a dynamic and proven effective Scripture-based, spiritual formation curriculum, prayerfully designed for grades 4-8 classrooms in Catholic/Christian schools to assist in reducing peer mistreatment and the harm mistreatment can do.
The process is based on three foundational pillars or “Units:”
Unit 1: Servant Leadership (Servant-Leadership Skill Building)
Unit 2: Pure in Heart (Prayer, Meditation, and Empathy Skill Building)
Unit 3: Love Your Neighbor (Supportive Peer Relationships Skill Building)
Parents as primary educators of their children in alliance with Catholic/Christian educators are in a prime position to cooperatively foster meaningful student spiritual formation to positively impact a Christ-centered school climate and overall school community.
Overarching Belief
A Christ-centered school climate is a culture of reverence, whereby every student and adult is valued as a Child of God, trusting the school is steadfastly focused on a safe learning environment to grow as a whole person through academic, spiritual, and extracurricular pursuits.
In union with our Catholic/Christian Church mission, we are called to educate
children on how to live out the mission of being Disciples of Jesus Christ by
closely following His teachings of social justice, purity in heart, and love for our neighbor.
Through the Peace of Christ, kindness and compassion is our universal guiding principle.
Brief History
The original Peace Be With You curriculum, published by Alliance for Catholic
Education (ACE) Press in 2011, is a grassroots effort that has evolved over
two decades from extensive field-testing in hundreds of Catholic school
classrooms. After the initial publication, a totally revised and expanded whole
school community program has cultivated to reach schools across the U.S.
and abroad. From inception, the authors have remained open—striving for
continuous improvement to further enrich this unique, meaningful and relevant
Scripture-based approach to reduce peer mistreatment and form positive Christian leaders.
For more information about the Bullying Redirect Series, scheduling
professional development and/or parent training, please contact:
"Peace Be With You offers a holistic and enduring method of communication, leadership, and healing that will guide the next generation to a deeper, more meaningful experience of life and the true calling to become the best version of themselves in every moment and every situation."
-- Matthew Kelly --